Thursday, April 17, 2014


ON SATURDAY  4/12/2014 A SMALL shiny RED CAR seemingly staked me out near my home attempting to0 unload the food. I told the woman not to dump the food. she appeared to be leaving and someone driving by noticed this if  they were not also part of her team. few blocks down the woman in red car caught up with me and told me she dumped the food and that bag with hot chocolate had $50 inside. maybe 6 hrs later my friend went to check mail and found lots of trashy food in front of gate and no $50. LITTLE OLD GREEN CAR pulled into driveway as I was putting my cans/bags outside of fence. a female passenger said - what are you doing here you do not live here -"GIVE ME THE GUN" TO DRIVER. I threw all bags back inside the fense ran inside and luckily my friend was walking out and after I tolf him about the woman and gun spoke to car but the driver told him they were "looking for directions" but did not elaborate on directions when asked just left.